Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Portrait of Samuel Hahnemann
Homeopathic Medicine (Classical homeopathy) has a 200-year-old record of treating virtually all acute and chronic diseases, including ones considered incurable by the medical profession. It is especially, sometimes uniquely, effective in addressing undiagnosable conditions such as chronic pain with no detectable physical cause, constitutional weaknesses such as developmental problems of children, and lifelong spiritual issues of all kinds.
Classical homeopathy, which originated in Germany with the work of Samuel Hahnemann (1770-1843), is based on the remarkable discovery of a relationship between diseases affecting living organisms and substances of animate or inanimate origin. This relation is harnessed in the treatment of disease via a principle known as the law of similars, which calls for treatment using substances whose characteristics mirror those of the disease at hand. This observation is the guiding principle behind homeopathic philosophy, and claims its justification based on the clinical success of the homeopathic method. While homeopathy remains one of the most controversial of all forms of alternative medicine, it is increasingly regarded by a growing number of health professionals as among the most effective and comprehensive of them.